If you’ve had an accident at work in Ireland, you might wonder about your rights. Employers must keep the workplace safe under health and safety laws. If you got hurt, you could get compensation, sick pay, and other benefits.

The workplace injuries are covered by the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. This law makes employers responsible for following health and safety rules. It protects employee rights and makes sure workplace safety is a priority. If you’ve had an i had an accident at work what are my rights, knowing your rights is key to getting the workers’ compensation you deserve.

Understanding your rights and what to do after a workplace accident helps protect you. It also makes sure your employer keeps the workplace safe. In this article, we’ll look at your rights and what you’re entitled to after a workplace accident in Ireland.

Reporting an Accident at Work

Accident reporting

If you’ve had an accident at work, tell your employer right away. In Ireland, employers must handle workplace accidents and injuries properly. Knowing what they must do helps protect your rights and fix the issue.

Legal Requirements for Employers

Employers must tell the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) about certain accidents. This includes any incident that keeps an employee out of work for more than three days. They must report these accidents within 10 days after they happen.

Importance of Prompt Reporting

It’s key to report accidents quickly for many reasons. First, it makes a record of what happened, which is vital for claiming compensation. Also, it lets your employer look into the accident, find safety problems, and stop similar ones from happening again.

  • Reporting an accident at work creates an official record of the incident.
  • Prompt reporting allows employers to investigate the accident and address any safety concerns.
  • Timely reporting is necessary to support potential claims for compensation.

“Reporting an accident at work promptly is not only a legal requirement for employers, but it also protects the rights and well-being of employees.”

Knowing your rights and duties in reporting accidents helps take the right steps. It also supports claims for compensation. Keeping in touch with your employer and following the right steps protects your interests if you have a workplace accident.

Sick Leave and Sick Pay Entitlements

statutory sick pay

In Ireland, workers have certain rights to sick leave and sick pay. Since 2024, statutory sick pay has been available. It gives workers at least 5 paid sick days a year. Employers must pay 70% of the worker’s usual daily wage, capping at €110 per day.

Statutory Sick Pay Rights

To get statutory sick pay, an employee must work for their employer for over 13 weeks. They also need a doctor’s note to prove they are sick or injured. This pay helps workers who are out sick due to work to not lose money.

  • Employees get a minimum of 5 days of statutory sick pay yearly
  • Employers pay 70% of the employee’s normal daily wage, capping at €110 per day
  • A doctor’s note is needed for statutory sick pay
  • Employees must work for their employer for at least 13 weeks to qualify

Employers can also offer their own sick leave policies. These can give more benefits than statutory sick pay. These policies might include more paid time off, extra sick days, or flexible use of sick leave.

Entitlement Details
Statutory Sick Pay 5 days per year, 70% of normal pay up to €110 per day
Employer Sick Leave Policy Varies by company, may offer more generous benefits

Knowing your rights to sick leave and sick pay is key, especially if you’re out due to a work injury or illness. Being informed helps you get the support and pay you deserve while you’re recovering.

Social Welfare Benefits for Workplace Injuries

If you get hurt or can’t work because of a work accident in Ireland, you might get social welfare benefits. These benefits can pay for lost wages, medical bills, and help with money while you recover and maybe go back to work.

Occupational Injuries Scheme

The Occupational Injuries Scheme helps workers who get hurt or get sick from their job. It pays for lost wages, medical care, and rehab to help you get better and maybe go back to your job. You must have been working when the accident or illness happened and it must be job-related.

Illness Benefit and Disability Allowance

You might also get Illness Benefit or Disability Allowance if your work injury or illness stops you from working. Illness Benefit is for short-term help if you’re out sick or hurt. Disability Allowance is for longer-term support if you have a big disability that makes it hard to work.

Benefit Description Eligibility
Occupational Injuries Scheme Compensation for lost earnings, medical care, and rehabilitation services for work-related injuries or illnesses Must be employed at the time of the accident or illness, and the injury/illness must be work-related
Illness Benefit Short-term income support for those unable to work due to illness or injury Must have sufficient PRSI contributions and be unable to work due to illness or injury
Disability Allowance Long-term payment for individuals with a substantial disability that limits their ability to work Must have a disability that substantially restricts their capacity to work and earn an income

These social welfare benefits offer important financial help and medical care for people hurt at work. It’s key to know your rights and if you qualify to get the social welfare payments for workplace injuries you deserve.

I Had an Accident at Work What Are My Rights?

If you have had an accident at work in Ireland, you have several rights and protections. It is crucial to inform your employer about the incident promptly. By doing so, you may be entitled to sick pay, social welfare benefits, and the opportunity to claim for personal injuries.

Employers in Ireland are obligated to maintain a safe working environment and assist you in returning to work following an injury. Understanding your workplace accident rights in Ireland is essential to receiving the necessary support and compensation if you sustain an injury while at work. Always prioritize your health and well-being, knowing that the law is there to support you.

personal injury claim for workplace accident

Making a Personal Injury Claim

If you’ve been hurt at work, you might be able to claim compensation. You can’t claim from your employer under health laws, but you can through the Injuries Resolution Board. This group looks at your accident and decides if you should get money.

You’ll need to show proof of the accident, how it hurt you, and how it changed your life. The Board will look at your case and suggest how much money you should get. If you or your employer don’t agree, you can take your case to court.

Employers’ Liability Insurance

Most employers in Ireland must have employers’ liability insurance. This policy pays for employee injuries or sickness at work. So, if you got hurt at work, your employer’s insurance should help with your claim.

The amount you could get depends on how badly you were hurt, how it affects your life, and any medical costs. It’s key to keep a detailed record of your accident and talk to a lawyer. This way, you make sure you get all the compensation you deserve.

“I was injured in a workplace accident, and I’m not sure what my rights are. Can I claim compensation?”

If you got hurt at work, you can claim compensation. You’ll need to file a claim and deal with your employer’s insurance. Knowing your rights and what to do next helps you get the right compensation and support to heal.

Returning to Work After an Injury

Coming back to work after an injury can feel tough, but your employer must help you safely return. They have a duty to support you. Knowing your rights and the help available makes the process easier and more confident.

Reasonable Accommodations for Disabilities

If your job injury has made you disabled, your employer must offer reasonable accommodations. This could mean changing your workspace, giving you special tools, or adjusting your schedule. It’s important to talk with your employer to find the best ways to help you do your job well.

  • Adaptive equipment such as ergonomic chairs, standing desks, or voice-activated software
  • Restructuring job duties or responsibilities
  • Flexible scheduling or allowing remote work
  • Providing assistive technology like screen readers or text-to-speech programs

Working with your employer helps you find the right accommodations for your needs. This way, you can go back to your job with confidence.

Your employer must legally provide reasonable accommodations. Not doing so could be seen as discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Always speak up for the support you need to get back to work.

“Employers have a responsibility to work with injured employees to facilitate their safe return to the workplace.

This includes identifying and implementing reasonable accommodations that enable the employee to perform their essential job functions.”


In Ireland, if you’re injured at work, you have rights to inform your employer, receive sick pay, social welfare benefits, and claim for personal injuries. Employers must maintain a safe workplace and aid in your return to work post-injury. Understanding these rights ensures proper support and compensation if injured at work.

This article provides a comprehensive summary of employee rights following a work-related injury, offering guidance on protecting yourself and seeking necessary assistance. Prioritize your health, knowing that the law is in place to assist you.


What are my rights if I have an accident at work in Ireland?

In Ireland, employers must keep the workplace safe under health and safety laws. If you get hurt at work, tell your boss and get medical help if needed. You might get compensation, sick pay, and other benefits if the accident happened because of your job.

How do I report a workplace accident in Ireland?

Tell your employer about any work accident. They must tell the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) about certain accidents, like if you miss work for more than 3 days. Reporting quickly helps with any claim for compensation.

What sick pay am I entitled to if I’m injured at work in Ireland?

Since 2024, you can get 5 days of sick pay a year, paid by your employer at 70% of your normal pay, up to €110 a day. You need a doctor’s note and must have worked for 13 weeks to get this pay.

What social welfare benefits can I get if I’m injured at work in Ireland?

If you’re hurt at work, you might get benefits like the Occupational Injuries Scheme, Injury Benefit, and Medical Care Scheme. You could also get Illness Benefit or Disability Allowance if you can’t work because of your injury or illness.

How do I claim compensation for a work-related injury in Ireland?

You can’t claim compensation from your employer under health and safety laws. But, you can claim through the Injuries Resolution Board. Your employer might have insurance for employee injuries. If the Board’s assessment is rejected, you could sue in court.

What happens if I need to return to work after a workplace injury in Ireland?

Your employer should help you safely go back to work after getting hurt. You’ll need a doctor’s note to prove you’re ready. Your employer might also need to make changes at work or give you special equipment if you have a disability from the accident.

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